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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  February 11, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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3&p investiggtors beeieve carter kklled jjnnifer 33 police sayy tey spotted caater dettctivvs say all of this started friday when thh fire department alerted police for a suspicious death duringg & a fire. police found conyers' tied up with electrical cords and taaee investigators ay she'd been 3&pintt the basement. detectives say when thhy found clothhs were poverrd wwth blood. 3 (guglielmi) "he admitted to partying with a friend nd - abbsing drugs, ttkknggms. -3 cooyers persooal eefects and &pultimately coming back and allegedly killing her. it's fammly. our thooghhs and prayers do go outtto hem." 3 conyers was an h- ,3 i-v outreach worker with the city's health department. she was 32-yyars-old.
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live at city police headquarterr, kd, fox 45 newss pa 5. police... arrrst... a man... ccnnected with a fatal night club west balttmorr. 3 rrcky horton... is chaaged with first ddgree murder ...and assault... in the death f sean rhodes.../. three peeple....shot in 3&p at the... "ras-a-ter"... international club... on... westt orth avenue... near... north puuaski street...//. 3 wws also charred... with operatinggthe estauranttas an illeeal barr 3 a teenager in montgomery county faces murder charggs as an the death of his sister.investigaaors say it happened inside this apartmmnt ii white oak.the mother of the paby... gloria yanes... left to go to work about 10-30 on thuusday night..he babb'' brother - 14 yeer old onathan aguiluc - was watching the baby aguilucctold plice that... -3 when the baby started to ry... he covered hhr mouuh and nose - with his handd.. tryinn to get her to sttp. 3 iq: i think a juude would be very hard presseedqq figgt that transfer & pransferaguiluc is being
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33 held without bonn. 3&p a follow up to first oo ffx around a conviited drunk driver with 11 pointt on his license. &plicense. crime and justice reporter... joy lepola... first reported... his guy... has a vvlid ddiver's liccnse..../ licenss..../.. thomass - green.... appeared in courttthis morning../ . joy lepola... was there.... and... joins us... with what happened. 3 ((joy)) it didn't takk long foo thomassgreee tt be handguffed and escorted out f baltimore citt circcit court this morninn by sheriff's deputies. p3((vo)) green was placed on - probation after he hit and & neaaly killed two johns hopkins studentsback in may 2011. at the ime, he had beenndrinking.. aa part of williams ordered him into he
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prrgram. that was last year around ttis timee by the end of april, green's ignition interlock registered 8 viooatioos. during toddy's hearing judge williams hadd green taken inno custodyciting the seriousness of is comes as good news for community activists. 3 22:09:48 at leass it means wwre not goinggto hhve aaother aacident is for a hile - 22:10:05 &p3 p((oy)) green faces ,3 seveeal traffic violations in hhoard and baltimore counties. hh'll be aapeariig innhoward 3 we've been reportinn... eventhough green has 18 oints on hii driving recordhe still - has a valid maryland driver's & license.... because he's enrolled in he state'ss igniiion interlook program. - joy lepola fox 44 eww at -3 3 for ...the ffrst time in 600
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3 pope... is... stepping pbnedict... the 16--th,...// spirituul &pleader... of... 1.2--billioo will leave hii -3 post... feeruary 28th..... 28th..../ emily schmidt as a look at the impact of his decision. decision. & 3 cathooics around the world are reacting to the resignation of & their spiritual leader."i - phinn this is aavery nobbe nn selfless act that the pope is poong.""i think it's commng from his heart. iffhe has to has to do ii."pope benedict &pxvi issnearll 86 ad says his mind and body are nn longer uu - to theejob."after haaing pepeatedll examined my - pcme to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advaacedd agg, are no longgr suited to pettine ministry."benedict took over as pope in 2005, as - the churchhwas facingg & declininngpopplarity in paats of the orld and worsening scandal ovvr the sexual abbse pf childden by prieets. some - have
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criticized hhimfor his handding oo that problem."we hope that pope benedicc will & use these lastttwo weeks of his term tt really make some ppotect iis ttday."benedict'' successor will be chosen by -3 the college oo carddnals some time after he steps down on februaryy 8tt. "tte church traces her continuuty alllthe wayyback through theeapostollc successioo o peter. so e will be looking for someone who is a verr articulate oicee in that continuity.""he -&pinvolved, ut he did appoint more than half of the cardinals makinggthe selectiin, so church oossrvers expect his successor oo continue his conservative &pemily schmidt reporting. 3 the vatican expects a new pope so rare for one to step down, phat the vatican is not yet -3 sure what he'll be called,
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possibly "bishop emeritus of rome." new aa 5:30...hhge reaction to thissnews...what sooe people think tte deeision says aaout -3 the pope himself. p it's... backkto bussness today... for many northeast ommunities... afttr with snow totals... & topping thrre feet i some areas..... and... snow 3 people are running out places... to put it all...//. & the highest snow totals..... with 40 inches of snow.../. more than 270-thousand --3&ppeople... are still without - powerr.../ the stoom issbeinn blamee for at least -3 9-ddaths. &p3 a high school teacher is killed thissmornnng when is happeeed before 7 this - intersectionnwith oute 27. witnesses say a ford focus 3 the road as it entered a turn... hittiig the school bus. the driver of the car... 24- year--old devin spence was - killed... no studenns on tte bus were injured.spence was aa math teacher at maachester &valley high school.
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3 it's only mid- februaryy-and pas rices are already goong uu--faat.the national avvrage sitting at three ddllaassand gallon---that's up 7 cenns -3 from just last week. spoke with... triile a.../ and... folks n baltimore.... -3 ájustá... tryyng to ggt & joins uss livv... from orth baatimore. -3 3 tyyically ww see gas prices -3& increase around late ffbruary into march---buttthis yyar we're well ahead of schedule. and ccording to triple-a it looks like thingss ill only worse. 3 3 3 3 3 ((nat sound up))tracc three> & truck for the past tto years. evvry fridaa filllng her tankk but since thanksgiving shh's
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had to break that pattern---only aale to put in 20 bucks---every few daas.and when she doesn't have the money---she stays home. ((soo- tonya))
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going into the armer monthss & we travel more. so, i'm not evvn sure. i drive a ruck aad my husband also ddives a &ptruck. so hat's notttoo oodd> 3 triplee ays the rise in ggs prices ii attributed to a rise in cruue ool prices and ome refineries closing permaanntlly pr shutting down foo maintenance.liie in nortt 45 news at 5. 3 before you hit he roaa, yooull ann to checc ouu -3foxbaltimore dot om to make sure you gettthe most mileege ppatrrl traccs the lowest gas &pprices anywhere you are and makes ssre you're nottpaying a &pcent more thhn you have to..-& just go to fox baltimore dot 3patrol under hot topics. some bold proposalssfrom ayor her state f the ity addressstoday. today.the mayor is calliig for a new fee on trash pck-up...a 10 percent reduction ii the - city workforce...and major changes in the pension program for city workers.the mayorrs
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& report warning that baltimmre faces bankrrptcy iffit doeen't - take action to deal witt its - puddet problems. ttaa brings us to our question of the you think city leadees will be able to reeolve baltimore's fiscal crisis? 3 go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us... wwaa you off... thru... pacebook..... ssnd... us... foxbaltiiorr.../. text... ...45-203..../ enter.... fox44a for & pes.. / pox45b for no. 3 how are thh roads loooing onight??- hassour traffic edge repprt. peport. 3 mapggeenspringgibertybaa naal - pikeshawaa395
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3 & 3 3 a fatal shoooing insidd a pourthouse in delaware..he 3 innthe manhunt for a former l-a ccp. the tip poolie ere given.... and the an arrest. p3 -3 3&p--adblibbweather tz--
5:12 pm
and...done. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app. i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it ask a real fios customer. ask me about the upload speeds. they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online today and send a tweet to a real fios customer and they'll tell you themselves just how amazing fios really is. [ female announcer ] supercharge your internet speeds and see for yourself. switch
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5:14 pm
,3&pthree eople are deed, -3 incllding a gunmann fter a shooting at a delaware courthouse. courthouse. 3 itthappened in the lobby of he new caatle county pourthouse in wilmington thiss morning. there re reporrs & that thh gunman killed is esttanged wife, another woman and then tok his own lifeeone mmn gotta call from his sister &pduring thh shooting.she was pthere to seeve onna jury. "she was llke 'i'm cared, i'm scared, they'reeshooting, 3 ''hat happened?' and she told me ttat hee're hooting in the courttouse and they'ree hidinggin this oom and i asked if there wwreeany cops --3 around and she said a cop n -3 the hallway and thee she hung up, o i left work to come heeee" here."two poliie officcrs werr wounded in the gun battle. their injuries are not life threateniig beccuse they were wearinn bulletproof vests. los angeles police are sifting 3 surroundinn an ex-cop suspected offaakilling ssree. 3 as ... marianne
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rafferry reppotss../ -33 poliie....beleive... 3 seekinggreeenge... against and... their fammiies... who he lames ...for ending 3 iits an alllout effort to &pptack down and aaprehend, ex-l-a-p-d officeer christopher dornerr pplice are sking the for pubblc's help, offering a uu 3 / lapponeemillion dollars, this is the larggst reward -3 ever ffered to our knowledge but have also dispptched search teamssinnnevvda, arizzna aad northernnmexico.... bbt the ocus of their 3 mounnain reeort area. that's where the suspects &pburnt out truck was discovered are meticulously checking the mountainous region, and goiig door to ddor to every hhme. 3 residentthey would suuround &pthe hhoue and we asked them eventually to go through the 3 ruth matteesnn/ big earr residentthey opened all the doors you know and ooked in places ttat a person coull be, we weren't nside they hhd uss stay outside in our car the los angeles area.
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&p authorities cllared outtaa lowe's store as fficers searched in and around the building.mos says: ""hat wass &pthe first time we learned, -3 that we were potentially in a sealed buiiddng with a murder" go single file o the back of the parkiig lot and everyonees got tteir gun trained on the -3 line of people walkinggout" meanwhile, offfcials have peleesed the hoto of slain officer miiheal crain. investigators ssy dorner & killed him in an ambush in riverside last thursday. police were atta loss for words whhn they notified his ppaailyy.hief sergio diaz / riierssde pooice want when youugive e baa ees its going o be okay, its not going to bb kay, this is - never going t be okay(anchor tag) authorities say 3 the l-a-p-d. the & department hhssdeppoyed 50 officers and their families who they suspecc coulddbe marianne rafferty, ox news. 3 earlier we told yyu about the mayor's new plan tootry tt resolve balttmore's budget prrblems. problems. and its our question of the day... do yu think city leaders an resolve thh citt's fiscal crisis? 3 sherreel ritts on our facebook page.. "why don't
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they take money frrm alllthose speee camera tickets?" & ttckets?"and bucky wriies..."leave the pension - benefitt alone." alone.""there are a lot differrnt views on hat shold be done. 3 go to foxxbbatimore dot omm and tell us hat you think. you can also sound off through -3 ffcebbok. send us a tweet.. at foxxaltimore. and youucan teet our aaswer tt 45203. 3 fox45b for no. 3 valentine's day is a time for love... so ditch the high & teehhdevices. the other do's and dont's... that will ee sure to makeeyoor night memorable. -3 & move over coffee and tea. ápeesiá ii brewingga new morning pick-me-up that's energy drinkk what's innit that makes it a cut above the rest. 3
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3 morrnnggpick mm up and don't like coffee or tea tthre's another oppion o chose from.. 3 pepsi has a new breakfasstdrink to perk you up. it's cclled "kick startt aaddit'll be on sheeves made f mountain dew, juice, vitamins b and c and a jolt of caffeine. bbt unlike any other drink.... pepsi's not calllig "kick start" an - energy drink. 3 - react to story
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3 - adlib toss to vytaa...
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&pcould ou uue n extta hunddee dollaas?it's all part of our "ffeeeruary" contest on fox45 -3 morning nnws.we'reedrawing a 100-ddllar winner every hour.. duriig fox45 morning enter o to facebook dot com slash fox baltimore and click watch fox45 orring news & sttrting at 5 aam to see if pouure a winner. & p33 tax breeks to take advvntage at 5:30...whayyyyu can purchase and avoid mmryland's 6- percent saaes tax.
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5:25 pm
3 there's new evidence of a &&ppossible link betwwen home life and a form of attentton deficii disorder.
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3& researcherss a he & indiana university of medicine found that hildrenn xpossd to piolence and who have parents suuffeing froo epressson re more lkely ttodevelop 33 hhyeractiiiiy isorddr beffre the age ffsix.. and while experts say while the cautiin more research is peeded to confirmmthhse results. 3&p the b-mmre hhallhy saturday, feeruarr 22rd..ou can gee health screenings... see 3 stages of áliveá -3 entertainment... a fit and fun more.the b-mmree ealthy expo starts at 10 a-m at thee baltimore convennion center on feeruary 23rd.we'll see you therr!- 3 whether you're still looking for a special someooe, or about toocelebrate vallnttnees day in syle with your sweethhart, there are some digital do's and don'tts to keep in mind. minn.karin... &pcaifa... gets tips... for any in... this
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weee's... "clickke in". 3 -3 3 thanks to social media the details of budding relltionships can quickly be amplifiid through an entire can really squash a spark. &ponline etiquette exxert julle spira says with courtship getting digital, it's creeted a new list of do's and don't's. like on aafirsttdate, do puttthattsmartphone sendd aa ad message to your someone more important than -3 the person sitting across the table from you. don't post all 3 twitter or the relationship, share err little about what's going n with your new beau..tte rrasonn is, you're dating people, he's 3 how many people each other is dating unttl you've becomme exclusive and of course hhd -3 that talk. for those in a relltionship n vallntine's pay, don't lose friends and folllwers byyoversharing. if you're posting every hour yourr play--y-play about youu pomantic rendezvous --
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-3 arriving t the otel, seeing -3 the flowerr in the room, going & to dinner, sipping champagne -- you know, ii tends to be a little too mmch. and o keep in mind who mmght be on our -3 sweetteart's list of facebook friends -- co-wookers, a oss, thoss wall posts you think are 3 eebarassing tooyour valentine. -3 i'm karin caifa and yoo're now clicked ii. 3 3 new tonight at 5:30... baalimore is facing its own fiscal cliff.. thh ig chhnggss solve the crisiss 3 and uge reaction to this news...what some people thhnk the decisioo says about the 33 --adbllb weether z--
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